Trying to find an affordable dentist in Greensboro, NC that does quality work?
During COVID-19 we looked for a dentist that was an emergency dentist as well as an oral surgeon, and had affordable prices for people without dental insurance in the city of Greensboro. The other factor is what insurance carriers they accepted.
We found that the dentists at Aspen Dental, located at 2321 Battleground Ave. Greensboro, NC 27408, offered what we were looking for with great reviews and affordable prices for dental care if you do not have dental insurance. There are dental programs they accept like the Careington Care 500 that you can join, that will pay for the majority of your dental costs. In most cases they have vision coverage included without any extra costs. It costs 70% less than regular dental insurance, and saves you up to 60% of dental costs.
Looking into all dental options when paying for dental care, you have the following choices:
1) Pay out of pocket
2) Look for dental financial assistance
3) Use dental insurance
4) Go to annual dental fairs or Free dental clinics
Listed below you will find low cost dental rates without dental insurance in Greensboro NC for the most common dental procedures.
Basic Teeth cleaning (with full mouth X-rays): $180 - $220
Full Dentures (Upper & Lower): $4180
Partial Dentures Metal base (Upper and Lower): $4275
Braces Adult: $5,810
Deep cleaning and scaling: $335 per quad (we have four quads in our mouths)
Root Canal (Molar): $1215
Cavity Filling (Metal): $172-$319
Cavity Filling (Resin): $202 - $399
Crown (White Resin): $1,234
Extraction (Simple): $229
Extraction (Surgical): $337
Emergency Treatment for pain: $158
These types of assistance programs do not pay for all the cost, but help out tremendously. Such as a deep cleaning with scaling(needed if you haven’t been to the dentist in awhile) is $1200-$1340 out of pocket.
Depending on your income (household income of less than $100,000 a year) if you qualify you may only pay $552 for the deep cleaning/scaling, saving you a minimum of around $650 (depending on service and location).
When looking up dental insurance to help cover the costs, it was priced at $34/mth($408 a year). A deductible of $50 that you would have to pay first before you get any services and once that is met you will have an out of pocket cost of 20%-50% of the dental bill.
I also found that dental insurance had a cap of how much they would help you pay annually, and some had waiting periods on services where the dental insurance company would not pay for it unless you paid your bill for a certain amount of time.
These waiting period times are often 6 months for basic services and a year for major services. We did manage to find a dental insurance plan by the name Spirit Dentalthat does not have waiting periods.
Free dental clinics and fairs have been canceled due to the COVID-19.
The North Carolina Mission of Mercy foundationis responsible for holding these events to help the community and surrounding cities with free dental care in Greensboro NC. There are not many of these events and they are on a first come first served basis.
Upon arrival, patients receive a health screening, x-rays and an examination by a licensed dentist. Then, the patient and dentist will discuss the recommended treatment plan. Offered dental procedures may include cleanings, fillings, teeth pulling or partial dentures for front teeth.
The next free dental clinic near Greensboro was scheduled in High Point NC at the First Baptist Church, located on 405 N Main Street, High Point NC on December 4-5,2020 beginning promptly at 6am each day. You can also get experience and volunteer at one of these events.
However, once the pandemic is over we will be able to update this article with rescheduled locations and dates.