Most companies want you to pay for leads, make cold calls, knock on doors, hand out business cards, and network. However, those times have changed. Now you find yourself moving from company to company trying to find carriers to sale that will adjust to doing apps online, do contracting (sometimes pay contracting fees), and etc etc etc. When starting out a lot of this can be confusing and hard to pay for.
In this article you will find a way to help people pay for their dental procedures at no extra costs to you or your business right from your home (or ANYWHERE).
Who is this for:
Agents just starting out and need low start up costs
Agents who need a more options for Dental/Vision/Prescriptions coverages for their clients
Agents who need free marketing
What you get:
Free Leads
Free Website with your own personal link
Free Training(Including E-book and video on demand)
Free Support Team
Doesn't affect your current contracting with other insurance companies(even if you are a captive agent with your current company)
What you get paid:
Earn 100% of all Setup Fees.($20-$30 each sale)
25% commission on all collected premiums (less refunds).
Level commission paid for the full life of each membership.
5% Override commission on every agent or broker you refer to sell 1Dental.
What you need to have:
Smart Phone (you will need to have your own minutes and data)
Time to call leads (These will be hot leads and need to be contacted ASAP once they arrive)
What you need to do:
Click the Get Started button below and it will take you to the registration page and give you more details on all the services you will have in your new business.